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作者: 胡世学 朱茂炎 羅惠麟 米歇爾‧斯坦納 赵方臣 李國祥 劉琦 張志飛 著
Author: Shixue Hu Maoyan ZhuHuilin Luo Michael Steiner Fangchen Zhao Guoxiang Li Qi Liu Zhifei Zhang
出版社: 云南科技出版社
Publication: Yunnan Science and Technology Press
ISBN: 978-7-5416-7870-7
出版日期: 2013年12月第1版
書本尺寸: 29.1公分長, 21.8公分寬, 2.3公分厚
書本重量: 約1.5公斤
頁數: 204頁
字數: 350千字
語言: 簡體中文
印刷: 彩色銅版紙精印(精裝本)

本书是介绍继澄江生物群之后, 云南寒武纪早期又一个特异埋藏的化石宝库-关山生物群。本书全面介绍关山生物群的地质背景、研究历史、特异埋藏等背景知识,并配以大量彩图,展示了栩栩如生的各门类软躯体化石,深入阐述了关山生物群的科学意义,是目前关于这一重要的生物群最为全面、系统的研究总结,填补了寒武纪早期澄江动物群和寒武纪中期的凯里动物群、布尔吉斯页岩动物群之间的空白,对探讨“寒武纪大爆发”和早期生命演化具有重要的意义。

The early Cambrian Guanshan Biota (Approx. age 515~510 myr) represents atypical Burgess Shale-type fauna from the Wulongqing Formation of eastern Yunnan, China.Stratigraphically, the Guanshan Biota, but older than the Kaili Biota andBurgess Shale Fauna. Like these well-known Cambrian faunas, fossils of theGuanshan biota exhibit extraordinarily preserves soft tissues and organs. Todate, more than 60 species have been recovered, with arthropods and brachiopodsrepresenting the most dominant phyla. The Guanshan Biota records a highlydiversified shallow marine community before the end-Early Cambrian massextinction. Due to its age and the quality of fossil preservation, the GuanshanBiota plays an important role in linking the earlier faunas and later depositswith Burgess Shale-type preservation, and has a great significance forunderstanding the “Cambrian explosion” of animals. This book aims to providereaders with an overview of the Guanshan Biota using selected fossils,including a number of undescribed species and new specimens of known taxa. Somenew species await future taxonomic description.


一綜述 (Introduction) /1

1. 關山生物群研究簡史(Historical Background) /2

2. 時代及產出層位 (Age and Stratigraphy) /3

3. 主要化石產地及其地理分布 (The Fossil Sites)/ 6

4. 關山生物群與澄江生物群的相關性 (AComparison with the Chengjiang Biota) / 13

5. 關山生物群與寒武紀大爆發 (The Guanshan Biota and theCambrian Explosion) /14

二關山生物群沉積環境及古地理 (Palaeoenvironment and Sedimentology) /21

1. 雲南東部寒武紀早期古環境變遷 (Environmental Changesduring the Early Cambrian in East Yunnan) /22

2. 烏龍箐組沉積構造和沉積環境 (Sedimentology of theWulongqing Formation) /24

三關山生物群的特異埋藏特徵 (Taphonomy of the Guanshan Biota) / 35

四關山生物群群落結構 (Community Structure) /41

1. 生物相互作用 (Organism Interactions) /42

2. 關山生物群食物網 (Food Web) /46

3. 群落演變 (Community Dynamics) /46

五關山生物群物種多樣性 (Biodiversity of the Guanshan Biota) /49

1. 藻類 (Algae) / 50

2. 海綿動物門 (Spongia) /53

3. 開腔骨類 (Chancelloriids) /57

4. 腔腸動物門 (Cnidaria) /61

5. 櫛水母動物門 (Ctenophora) /63

6. 鰓曳動物門 (Priapulida) /65

7. 葉足類 (Lobopodia) /78

8. 節肢動物門 (Arthropoda) /83

9. 奇蝦類 (Anomalocaridids) /134

10. 軟體動物門 (Mollusca)/ 139

11. 軟舌螺類 (Hyolitha)/ 141

12 腕足動物門 (Brachiopoda) /143

13 水母狀動物 (Medusiform Animals) /157

14 古蟲動物 (Vetulicolian) /158

15. 棘皮動物門 (Echiondermata) / 162

16 分類不明化石 (Problematic Fossils) /166

17. 遺跡化石 (Trace Fossils) /170

英文摘要 (Summary in English) /188

參考文獻 (References) / 195

附錄: 關山生物群化石名單 (Appendix: Species Recorded from the Guanshan Biota)/203

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